Sunday, March 27, 2011

I'm So Jealous...

William Ernest Henley's "Invictus" really made me envy his skill. In such a smooth rhythm and with the powerful words and ideas, he is able to convey such a profound concept as individual choice and accountablility. Pride. Stuborn endurance. Responsibility. "I thank whatever gods may be/ For my unconquerable soul." "My head is bloody, but unbowed." "I am the master of my fate./I am the captain of my soul." His statements are so inspirational, so confident. It reminds people just how in control of their own lives they are. Every action or reaction is under your control. You are accountable for whatever outcome comes of your own doing.

Jealous of the concept.
Jealous of the feeling.
Jealous of the power.
Jealous of the impact.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Love is the rain on my window. Love is the tantalizing taste of chocolate. Love is the fireflies blinking on and off. Love is the dawn. Love is the adrenaline rushing through your veins. Love is the wish made on a shooting star. Love is a smile. Love is the sharp pain of loss. Love is taking a chance. Love is the laughlines etched in your face. Love is a bookstore. Love is the tapping of your feet. Love is the unquestioning trust. Love is preparing for hard times. Love is embracing each new day. Love is laughing at your mistakes. Love is being there. Love is dancing all night long. Love is smiling even when it hurts. Love is holding hands. Love is moving on. Love is the rolling storm. Love is life.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Self Image - ME

Who am I? How do I see myself? I am a smart person who does well in school. I work hard. I love coming to school. I like to sit in the front, where I can best see the board and hear the teacher. I love learning new things. I always have a hard time choosing my classes, becasue I have to weigh and consider them all and slowly rule out classes by level of my interest. I love reading, I love drawing, and I love music. I'm a bright person who is nice to others. I smile a lot and have a good attitude about things. I don't let things bother me, especially if it's out of my control. Okay...I admit that I'll still fret a bit, but mostly I don't worry so much. I know that I'll do my best, and go from there. I love who I am. I love being me. I wouldn't change me for anyone. The only thing I outright dislike about myself is my procrastination habbit. It causes grief. I hate it. If I hate it so much, why can't I seem to change it? I just...keep doing it. Why?! I've been trying to get rid of it for years 'trying' is the wrong word. Rather, I've acknowledged that I have a problem. I just can't seem to make myself take the steps to get rid of it. I haven't 'tried' yet. If I want it to go away, I have to take an active stance against it.